Saturday, June 20, 2009

-report card-

" I'm just ask you to do me a favor today,can you?"
"But do I really have to go there...and sit front of their teachers?"
"Just today laa...I've got to go with your daddy. It can't help. Its not that hard right? Hey, I heard that ramai ustazah-ustazah yang comey lote what?" she tried to provoke me...
"Huh~can't help...ape boleh buat..." she got me at last!

Haha..whatever it is, I have no reason for not helping her. The dialog is just my way to joking with mom...and she knew it that I wont refuse...because she knows me...a lot =). Huuu~~~only me in the house this morning untill 11.30am because I have to bring Zaid back home from preschool. Huaaahhh*mourning*...a lil' bit lucky, mom had prepared the lunch,so I just open the tudung saji, hah, makan ye adik-adik...lepas makan basuh pinggan, pegi mandi, siap-siap pakai baju...lepas solat Jumaat kalau tak siap,jage...

Because nobody at home, just me and Zaid, we all fall asleep for a while...soooo~bored! I woke up 3.30pm, and hurry up to see my sisters report card! As I expected...all first time to attend this slapstick schedule in my life...

Queue up in front front of millions of low-age bugs smiling...what? Is it funny? Haishhhh.... Naseb baik cikgu kelas kau cun...*geleng kepale*...and its my turn...

"Salam'alaik' ya ustazah..."
"Wa'alaikumussalam...please, take a seat" she smiled at me.
"Yeah...thanks.,err...erm~how is it? Err,I mean my sis midterm result..." God! Im trembling! Bakpe mung nih najib!
"Owh~~she's okay...there is her result. As you can see...bla-bla-bla.." she explain to me as I don't understand what she really meant..huhu. Untungla korang, zaman aku dulu tak berpeluang nak pegi sekolah agama petang...hmmm...
"Owh...okay..." I'd tried to stop her from blabering too much. " How was her attitude? is she playing in class?" haha...what exactly am I asking?
"Yeah..too much..."
"What???" I started to laugh...erkhhh~tahannn...tahannn...(I was joking and dia pon bole layan..Aliah dah menggelabah kura-kura :D)
"No-no-no-noo...hehehe, I was joking too. Aliah is a good girl,always helping me.." and she tried to cover her laugh..ustazah~hahaha...
Well then after 15 minutes our discussion over, and I sign the report...what a historical day!


"Hey! Dont sighing~dont you remember? When you bring your brother for registration at technic school in 2003? So why you give a damn in this?"

*Pling!* what the...owh? imagination. Thanks Najib! And go to hell, Satan! Trying to distracted me...


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