Saturday, December 29, 2012


I hate this feeling.


Saturday, December 22, 2012


This is not the best of what I want to achieve,
But anyway it helps a lot.


Sunday, December 9, 2012


I'm tired.

Thursday, November 29, 2012


Life is exactly like wheel. 
Doesn't matter if your life going up or down, live in an adventure.

But hey, 
better than being safe and boring 
at the center of the wheel and got nowhere to go right?

Thursday, November 1, 2012

-perfect timing-

There is always raining on November.

Monday, October 29, 2012



What does this word means to you?



This year it means a lot to me.

A lot bigger.

And that means 'something' big will come.


There is a good news 'hiding' behind bad news.

Duas & patiences.


Sunday, October 21, 2012


Morning scene

Evening scene

Seronok 'meracun' kawan-kawan ni. 


People always said to me, 
'Don't work too hard for yourself!"
'How the hell you can be so patience to do that kind of thing?'

I'm sure all of you knew,
I'm not good in 'verbal presentation'...
In other word 'very bad'
Nor experts in some kind of newest,
Let the drawings do the talking.

Because in the end,
I'm happy to knew that I worked my ass hard
By selling my work 
On the papers and models
Rather than words.

p/s: Very bad verbally. No joke. 

Monday, October 15, 2012


...Minta berkat untuk crit esok...

Friday, October 12, 2012


...When you work your ass hard...
*happy tears*

Sikit lagi Raju!

Thursday, October 4, 2012


Hello Halo!
2 October 2012 , 1:33 p.m.

Monday, September 17, 2012


I'm surely haz big appetite.

Thursday, September 6, 2012




Tuesday, September 4, 2012


..."Sekiranya dia ditimpa musibah, dia bersabar. Maka jadilah musibah itu baik untuknya"...

It's not the end of Bigi yet.
Trust Him.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

-test & patience-

Hidup adalah untuk diuji. Ujian itu tidak akan ada hentinya. Selagi kita diuji, selagi itulah kita masih hidup. Jadi bersyukurlah… Ujian itulah jalan untuk kita mengenal Allah. Allah ‘memperkenalkan’ Dirinya di sebalik semua ujianNya. Pada ujian sakit, Allah kenalkan Dirinya yang Maha Penyembuh. Pada ujian miskin, Allah perkenalkan diriNya yang Maha Kaya. Pada ujian fitnah, Allah sedang memperkenalkan diriNya yang Maha Penyabar…

Tidak ada hari tanpa diuji, kerana atas hukum itulah kita hidup dan mati. Semoga dengan itu kenal kita kepada Allah makin tinggi… dan akhirnya, cinta kita kepadaNya pun semakin meningkat. Hakikatnya, apabila kita belum cinta, itu petanda kenal kita belum sempurna.

Ujian, membuktikan bahawa di sebalik kuasa diri yang sering kita fokuskan ini, ada kuasa Allah yang Maha Berkuasa di atas segala kuasa. Ke situlah perjalanan hati ini sewajarnya dipacu. Sentiasa bersangka baik bukan hanya bermakna yang baik-baik akan berlaku dalam hidup ini, tetapi hati kita diberi kekuatan untuk menghadapi ‘sesuatu yang tidak baik’ dengan hati yang baik.

Apabila berlaku sesuatu yang tidak diduga, tidak disangka, tidak dipinta… jangan kecewa, marah apalagi mencela. Tetapi tanyakanlah diri, apakah maksud baik Allah di sebalik semua itu. Dengarlah ‘bisikan’ tarbiah Allah di sebalik segala mehnah (ujian). Allah tidak akan menzalimi kita. Ujian itu penting, tetapi bagaimana kita menghadapinya jauh lebih penting.

Dalam hidup, peganglah prinsip ini untuk bahagia. Prinsip yang dipegang oleh Nabi Muhammad SAW dalam apa jua ujian yang melanda… “aku hamba Allah, Dia tidak akan mengecewakanku!”

-Ustaz Pahrol Ahmad Juoi-

Thursday, July 26, 2012


And the spirits move on!

Tuesday, July 24, 2012


Digital art?

Monday, July 23, 2012


Tonight's #storytime story is called,

'Forgiveness in Ramadan'.

The Prophet Muhammad ï·º said:
Musa, the son of Imran once asked,
“Oh my Lord!
Who is the most honorable of Your servants?
And He replied,
the person who forgives even when he is in a position of power” (Baihaqi).

You know you’re right.
You know what I’m referring
to those times when you get into an argument(s)
with a family member,
teacher or whoever.
You know your facts are right
or that you’ve been wronged with an insulting remark,
sarcastic comment or rudeness.
And so,
you choose to hold a grudge.
After all,
you’ve got a right to.
Nobody should be treated this way.
Why should you forgive?
You’re not the one who started this.
You’re not the one who doesn't have the facts straight.


You may be right.
You may be in that position of power mentioned in the Hadith above.

But forgiving others,
apart from positively affecting our health (less stress)
and our minds (one less negative thing to focus on),
is a necessary step to closeness to Allah SWT.
How can we move up the ladder of spiritual development
when we hold bitterness and anger towards another person?

While we may have been in the right,
is it worth sacrificing our energy on a grudge instead of on growth?

Is there not something strange
about asking for Allah’s forgiveness of our sins
while withholding our forgiveness from others who hurt us?
One of the distinguishing features of Ramadan is forgiveness.

The Prophet ï·º explained in one Hadith
that Ramadan is a month whose beginning is Mercy,
whose middle is Forgiveness and whose end is freedom from the Hellfire.
This makes it a great time to ask Allah SWT for His Forgiveness.
It’s also a wonderful time to open our hearts
and cleanse them of grudges and bitterness by forgiving others.
The path to connection to Allah SWT is always paved with tests and difficulties.
Nobody gains spiritual upliftment without having to prove their mettle.
This process includes facing all kinds of hardships,
including injustice at the hands of others.
If we truly want Allah’s love, mercy and forgiveness,
we must remember that the hurts of that the hurts of this world are temporary,
and we are working towards that which is permanent.
Is it worth being bitter and stunting our growth?
Will it really benefit us?
How will our anger and bitterness change the person who has hurt us?
Let us use these days of Ramadan to open our hearts
to those who have wronged us & forgive them as we beg Allah to forgive us.




Monday, July 9, 2012


Dua-dua gojes yaw!
Berbahagialah kalian hingga ke akhir hayat!

Bila dah jadi perhatian umum,
Akan ada 'hati-hati busuk'
yang sememangnya berniat tak baik
tumbuh bagai cendawan selepas hujan
Hatta 'sejarah' silam pun diperbesar-besarkan
Lumrah MELAYU beginikah?
Hayati filem-filem P.Ramlee,
Fahamlah sendiri.


Monday, June 11, 2012






Saturday, June 2, 2012


Ada bau sate tak? Hmmmmm~*

(Eh? Dah pukul 6???)

Thursday, May 17, 2012


The most happiness 'crit' day of my life. After three weeks of struggling, back and forth, leaving all normal life aside, and it worth with full excitement. Big thanks also to my beloved supervisor for supported me when my tongue frozen. All critiques, comments, ideas and compliments made by all 3+1 panels yesterday will be an 'adrenaline' to triggers my passion.

A single failure doesn't make you worst, but it's a 'real-time reminder' to strive you up when you idle in the safe zone. Just keep those momentum, do not lose it. You still got your final crit to be finish.

Syukran alhamdulillah...after all, everything just leave it to The Creator to decide when you know you have give the best what it need to be done...:)

p/s : thanks to both of 'you' for filled me up when I'm broke.

Saturday, April 28, 2012


Tears caused by
seeing the cruelty of the world
was much more


Rather than
Tears that caused by
'Tear Gases'.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012


Seronoklah pulak.


Tuesday, April 24, 2012


Back on your foot.

That worth nothing if you stranded now.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012


...rasa macam sampah sarap...

Wednesday, April 11, 2012


...Tidurlah dulu...

Sunday, March 25, 2012


Ada hari-hari saya sedih, lemah, jiwa saya akan bersuara:

"Siapalah yang benar-benar memahami aku?" Sebagai tanda terkilan dengan apa yang berlaku.

Namun hati saya yang terdalam sentiasa menjawab: "Allah memahami."

Dan itu sentiasa buat air mata saya membasahi pipi.


Allah itu pemahamanNya menewaskan orang-orang yang kita cinta.

Friday, March 16, 2012


I'm missing someone.
My friend, real bad.

Monday, March 5, 2012


Ambo nok sambun kisoh dighi sedighi
Doh adek kakok kapon pakak nok dengaa lagih
Ambo hormak sanjon segalo kaseh segalo budi
Susoh hok ambo tanggun adek kakok ambek peghati

Ambo ghaso bebesaa hati
Terimo kaseh setinggi-tinggi

Maso kecik ambo beso makey nasik sajo-sajo
Kalu ado sekeghak ikey pon keno bagi duo
Dapo como ado gaghe jaghe benaa ado gulo
Bajopoh male-male pakaa minun air telago

Bangun pagi-pagi sauk baju pakaa sluaa
Mek ambo ghebuh ubi bukuh buwi buak bekaa
Dio pesey haghi-haghi Leng ngaji lah pandaa-pandaa
Kalu seksok pah tinggi oghe kato bulih jadi pegawa

Ambo gi skoloh beghungga-ghungga
Ambo nok ngaji wi pandaa-pandaa

Ado satu ketiko..
Cekgu mitok sepuloh ghiyaa
Dio kato skoloh kito nok gi melawak sambii belajaa
Hmm..Tak dok apo doh la cekgu sayo tok leh bayaa
Oghe lain gi blako ambo soghe jah tinggaa

Hok ambo peghik seghoti keno gi skoloh alik petey
cekgu kato wajik maghi ghumoh kunin ado latihey
Ambo lah banyok sekali keno hungga kelilin padey
Keghano ambo tok leh nok beli sluaa pendek kasuk sukey

Malunyo weihh ambo keno pajey
Ni la baghu ambo ghoyak kok ghe

Teghimo kaseh la cekgu-cekgu
Keghano sudi ajaa sayo
Daghi daghejoh satu hingga jadi maknusio
Mitok halaa segalo ilmu hok cekgu buwi selamo maso
Wi tapok kaki gughu ambo tundok mitok redho

Ambo masuk yunibesiti tahon lapey puloh
Budok kapon nok gi ngaji
Tok tahu la mano jatuh
Adek-adek kecik lagih ghato segenak kok dale baghuh
Iktekak dale hati ambo nok ngaji sunggoh-sunggoh

Ingak malu kok ghe waghih waghah dok pakak kato
Tok soh laa dudok tebey kalu tidok bako kayoAtaa skoloh anok jate wat ngabih ko hagheto
Tidok kato nok pakak ghatey tulon baatu samah duo

Tak dok nyo dighi ambo
Demo tok sir kelih walau sebeloh mato

Mek dengaa ayoh masuk jadi peneroko baghu
Daley bukik nok taney getoh di Kesedaa Lebir SatuPeghe dengaa ghimaa gajoh makey tok makey tak dok sapo tahu
Beginih laa oghe susoh nok tanggon anok ngaji di Yuu

Keghano keado'ey begitu ayoh ambek keputusey
Wahai anok-anokku kito pecoh lah tigo jale
Mu Halen anok nombo satu dok Kualo Lupo ngaji la soghe
Adek-adek tinggaa kapon dulu pakak dudok la limo oghe

Selamak tinggaa selamak jale
Adek hok boosu jeghik sokmo male-male

Alkisoh la ambo pulok tengoh dok mengaji di Yu Malaya
Buku rujukey pun ambo tak dok pakaa haghak ko salen nota
Beghaso malu jugok masok majelih hok besaa-besaa
Baju ambo mughoh telajok duo belah ghiyaa jah selaa

Haghi konbokesyen
Haghi utok ayoh bondo
Penak jeghih seghibu musen
Haghak mek ayoh beghaso banggo
Tahniah daghi sain-sain ambo teghimo banyok bungo
Ambo lah oghe panggey Halen
Anok kapon sesok hok buley bejayo

Akhirnyo ambo buleh sarjano
Syukoo pado Allah Maho Kuaso

Halim Yazid - Bangkit Asal

Monday, January 23, 2012


Tonight's #storytime story is called, 'Love & Loyalty'.

You might be married to the worst man ever, like Aisyah was married to Pharaoh.

But it didn’t change her and her loyalty and love to Allah SWT.

You might be married to the best of men, like a Prophet of Allah SWT.

And still not be saved from the punishment - like the wife of Prophet Lut (AS).

You might be not married to any man, like Maryam (alaiha salam).

And Allah SWT can make your rank higher than any women on the Earth. Know your priorities.

Love and trust is with Allah SWT first.

The only relationship where you’ll never have your heart broken is the relationship between you and Allah SWT. ♥

The End : )

Sunday, January 1, 2012


Tuhan itu sangat dekat.
Masih sempat untuk bertaubat.
Sebelum hati menjadi keras.
Carilah diri sebelum berhenti bernafas.